Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I Guess I Could Tweeze a Little.

I am officially on vacation. For the entire week.

Except for a small meeting today with a client, but it was in the middle of the week, so I was officially well-rested. I had time to do laundry, apply large amounts of heat and product to my hair, put on makeup BEFORE I left the house and NOT while driving, and leave the house in a relaxed and timely fashion. It was crazy!

The meeting went very well, and afterwards, I stopped off at my daughter's daycare. Apparently, during my usual routine of work, parent, insonia, nap, work, parent, insomnia, nap, my appearance falls to a low position on the ol' priority list. There seems to be quite a noticeable disparity between my regular daily shlump attire, and my infrequently professional-looking self. I work from home. I'm not a morning person. Yoga pants are a 24-hour thing. Sometimes, for 24 hours.

When I arrived at my daughter's daycare, teachers stopped and turned to smile at me. Someone held the door open. It was like the scene from Pretty Woman when Julia Roberts steps out of the elevator on the way to the opera, and she's wearing her strapless red gown, and everyone in the lobby turns to look at this stunning young woman, smiling in approval.

My god, people, it's just a little mascara.

Currently accepting Sugar Daddy applications. Thank you.

1 comment:

Tiffani said...
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