Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Happy House

Yesterday, my child who was home due to school closings for an official Tropical Drizzle Watch, ran out of her bedroom wearing a giant pointy hat and brandishing a plastic sword, yelling "I'm a Pirate Witch!".

Nothing gives me a greater sense of peace than wandering around and listening to her giggle and talk crazy talk to herself while I admire my green, thriving houseplants, or my content cats who love to snuggle down into a warm patch of sunlight on my bed and sleep for 22 hours. It seriously is the little things that make me so incredibly happy -- like the simple fact that other living things are content and thriving in my house.

And my vacuum lines in the carpet. I loves me some vacuum lines.


'S all good.



akhoosier said...

I so get you on the vacuum lines. Unfortunately, my house sees then infrequently!

mary said...

I am riding my vacuum over to your house immediately.

