Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A Sad Conversation With My Almost-Four-Year-Old

Arms loaded with folded towels to put away, I headed for the bedroom. The door was blocked by one of the cats, trying to score a good spot on the pillow. I nudged her with my foot.
"Out of the way, cat".

(from downstairs) Malena: "WHAT?"

Me (struggling to get the door open): "Nothing!"

Malena: "WHAAT?"


I put the towels away in my bathroom, and my kid is coming up the stairs.

Malena: "Mom, what? I didn't hear you."

Me: "Nothing, I was talking to the cat".

The child stares at me.

Malena: "Mom, you know the cat can't talk, right?"

Me: "Thank you for that valuable information".

Two minutes later, from the kitchen, the sound of a very necessary cocktail being made is heard.

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