Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Emily-Inspired Haircut

It's the height of summer, and super-sticky outside. I fell in love with my friend Amy's daughter Emily's hair, which is cut up to the nape of her neck and angles down against her jawline. (No, Jackie, I am not turning into that crazy woman that spends hours every morning braiding and curling and taking pictures of her daughters' hair, and I couldn't find that website again if you had a gun to my head).

I didn't cut it as short as Emily's because a)I have no idea what I'm doing and b) I would have kept evening out both sides until her hair fell at eyebrow level.

She looked in the mirror and exclaimed, "I look beautiful!".

I wonder where she gets THAT from??? :)


akhoosier said...

Oh my god, she looks GREAT!!!! You did a great job Mary! Can you now come to Missouri and trim my hair???

She looks so adorable. I can't wait to show Em when she gets up.

Adam talked about "lena" today and that he wants to play with her again! I love 3 year olds.

Tell "lena" she looks awesome! Give her hugs from her Missouri friends!

Jackie said...

She looks great. Next time you should donate all that hair to locks of love. I have a feeling her hair grows as fast as yours does. I wish I could find that crazy lady hair blog again. It was so fun to see someone was kookier than me.

Jackie said...

I found it. It's - and she's still as crazy as ever, but she seems to have a huge following. I'm going to go wake Ana up and and glue bows to her head.

mary said...

Amy, I'd be happy to! Let me look and find a good bowl for your head. :)

Hugs to all of you.

Jackie, Locks of Love is a fantastic organization, but they need hair that is at least 10 inches long, which is currently about a third of my kid's height. Maybe when she's older. The longest piece I cut off was about 5 inches.

akhoosier said...

Mary - I think Locks of love will take hair that is at least 6 inches long. They sell it on the open market and use the $$ to pay for the wigs.

Emily was so excited when I showed her this post.

If Jennifer Aniston inspired the "Rachel Cut" maybe this can be called the "Emily cut?" :)

Oana said...

very cute!